Friday, May 23, 2008

Bliss & Blisters

Most of us are feeling delicate today. As my esteemed colleague has mentioned, we had a little celebration last night at the very near completion of all the live tracks. I celebrated with extra gusto, relieved temporarily because I can rest my blistered, twisted fingers and poor limp wrists for a few more days before we start the overdubs.

When I made it back to the apartment I'm sharing with Gavin at half past three this morning, I thought I was locked out. We have one key between us and Gavin had gone home at a decent, respectable hour, unlike the rest of us. I rang the doorbell for half an hour, and had just about resigned myself to sleeping on a park bench (not such a bad deal in Stockholm) when I finally heard a very sleepy Gavin shout "Just turn the handle!" It had been unlocked all along and my hand had been too weak to open it. Nothing to do with the fact that I was also a teeny tiny bit tipsy, of course. Best half hour of my life.

In today's tambourine news, maverick Swedish pop producer Jari Haapalainen, (famous for his oft-used catchphrase "I love it when you do what I say") is adding some shaky hand-glitter to the songs. He is the only person in the studio today who has it in him to bash a tambourine against his hand for more than ten minutes. I'm not lying, it's really sore. Lee gave it a shot but he's already in pain from playing the best drums of his life. I didn't even bother volunteering. I'm a big lad but it brings tears to my eyes.

I'm all for the notion of someone else suffering for my art.

I cannot wait for you to hear this record

Kenny x


Blogger Stacey Shackford said...

It's official... you're nuts
Best half hour of your life eh? Hmmm

4:57 pm  

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